Our mission is to provide concierge laboratory services within the comfort of your home or business, as well as secure, stable and discrete transportation of medical specimens to a trusted and accredited local laboratory for testing.

Private LabCare Services provides secure, convenient, confidential and discrete lab services in the comfort of your home or office. 

Our Services

COVD-19 PCR testing in the safety of your own home. Our dedicated and compassionate staff will come to you for your healthcare needs. Our services include but are not limited to: blood draw, therapeutic drug monitoring, capillary testing, infant heel sticks, urine and stool collection, and COVID-19 testing. We can provide the nasopharyngeal or nasal swab for adults and children.

We ensure safe and reliable transportation of these specimens to a reputable laboratory for testing. 

Safe, discreet and hassle-free

During these uncertain times, patients are hesitant to leave their homes due to risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Private LabCare Services can help to eliminate these concerns by coming to you for your healthcare needs.

You’re in good hands

Private LabCare Services offers compassionate, convenient and private laboratory diagnostic testing. Our licensed and insured phlebotomists have over 20 years of combined experience within local hospitals and partnering doctors’ offices.

Laboratory testing should not be stressful— let us help.

Private LabCare Services

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